Changing My Tune

My subject let me photograph him practicing jazz on his keyboards in his basement studio last Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014. I feel that he is a much more dynamic performer than I've been able to convey in photographs, and I'm hoping film will tell his story a little better.

My subject let me photograph him practicing jazz on his keyboards in his basement studio last Thursday, Oct. 2, 2014. I feel that he is a much more dynamic performer than I’ve been able to convey in photographs, and I’m hoping film will tell his story a little better.

Now that my section is moving on to filming, I’m breathing a small sigh of relief. I really like looking for interesting angles to shoot visuals for this project, but nine times out of ten the damn Nikon has been messing up my shots. With the video cameras, I can see exactly what my project will look and sound like as I’m shooting. I understand how to work with lighting and focus, and I can make quick fixes on the camera’s LCD screen during a shoot. It’s not so much of a trial-and-error process as a formula with instructions on how to get your shots just right. Phew.

It’s also proving to be really fun filming my subject. His musical instruments have always made for great visuals and audio, and now I get to combine the two. He really is quite a performer, and now I’ll really be able to convey what it’s like to watch him work. Also, every instrument has a unique texture and sound, which makes for great b-roll. My subject will repeat actions a lot (because how else do you practice an instrument?) which will make for quality five-shot sequences. I think I’m set up for some great projects in the coming weeks!

The only thing that’s bringing me down about the video clips is the massive task of editing all the video. I’ve imported clips but I feel I have no idea where to begin, and I live in fear of my computer crashing or not saving my projects correctly after what I’m sure will be hours upon hours of editing. I think my best bet is to team up with friends from other sections who have already mastered Adobe Premiere Elements and ask for their assistance in figuring out the editing process. Hopefully I can repay them in knowledge on Soundslides and they’ll take mercy on me.

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